Now available on Chill
Chasing Rainbows explores the explosive issue that’s dividing our nation: the battle between the Evangelical church and the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) movement in America.
What Viewers are Saying
“‘Chasing Rainbows’ is fantastic!”
Mike Medavoy, Chairman & CEO Phoenix Pictures,
Academy-Award® Nominated Producer, “Black Swan”
“‘Chasing Rainbows’ is a genuinely neutral and balanced perspective that will build bridges and encourage understanding.”
Rev. Dr. John R. Heidel,
Regional President The Interfaith Alliance
“Both sides of the issue have been heard, but ‘Chasing Rainbows’ gives a different side; one that is from the perspective of the average joe.”
Mari-Ela David, CBS-TV News, Honolulu
“A wonderful film from a talented filmmaker that's long needed to be addressed openly and fairly. ‘Chasing Rainbows’ examines and presents all sides, all the issues and all the key players.”
Chuck Boller, Executive Director
Hawaii International Film Festival